영어 공부16 미드 Suites S1 EP3 대본 슈츠 시즌1 3화 쉐도잉 연습 Suits s01e03 Episode Script Inside Track The 2011 Tesla Roadster Sport. Offered only to our most exclusive members. You know your vehicles. I promise to have her back before she turns into a Pontiac. Hey, Harvey. Laurence. How would you feel about taking something other than the Tesla tonight? It goes against my policy. What policy? My l-want-the-Tesla policy. Yeah. Tell you what. You know more .. 2019. 9. 6. 미드 Suites S1 EP2 대본 슈츠 시즌1 2화 쉐도잉 연습 Errors and Omissions Uh What is that, three in a row? That would be four, actually. Oh, God. Come on. What do you say? We go five out of nine? So you can keep abusing me? No, thank you. I'm done. Oh, come on. I'll spot you three. Game time's over, Wyatt. They're here. They're here? Get set up in the conference room. Yeah. No, I'll just, uh Get set up in the conference room. You did let him win, .. 2019. 8. 27. Suites S1 EP1 슈츠 1화 쉐도잉 - Vocabulary Well, Gerald, I specialize in troubled situations, and when I left here at 7:00 p.m. this deal wasn't in jeopardy. So, I'm just trying to figure out what happened in the interim. be in jeopardy: 위험에 빠지다, 위험에 처해 있다. jeopardy: 위험 in the interim: 그 동안에, 그 사이에 interim: 중간의 And now, you won't close until we take away the last shred of his dignity? take away the last shred of his dignity: 그의 마지막 한 조각의.. 2019. 6. 25. 미드 Suites S1 EP1 대본 슈츠 시즌1-1화 쉐도잉 연습 Suits 1-1 Pilot Gerald Tate's here. He wants to know what's happening to his deal. Go get Harvey. I check. Raise. 5,000. I'm all in. You can pay me later. I've got to go. Gentlemen. I'm paying you millions. And you're telling me I'm going to get screwed? Jessica, have I come at a bad time? Gerald, this is Harvey Specter. He's our best closer. Well, if you're the best closer, where the hell have .. 2019. 6. 13. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음